Girls' Brigade New Zealand
Awesome Leadership
GBNZ's Awesome Leadership is a dynamic training programme equipping young leaders with skills and qualities for life-long leadership.
Three modules across three levels are presented in camps and training sessions with follow-up practical activities back in girls' home Companies or Units.
With a minimum of three years to complete the full programme, there is no time-limit and girls work at their own pace.
Find out more below:
Level 1
Level One
Entry requirement: Year 10 & approval to attend from your GB/IFG Group leader. Online GBNZ & Safe Here training (new components coming in 2020!)
Level One Aim:
Level one aims to give girls a strong foundation in Girls’ Brigade New Zealand as an organisation and the role that they have within it. In this course, girls will develop an understanding of the core values and mission of Girls’ Brigade New Zealand, while practising leadership skills in a Girls’ Brigade and iconz4girlz context. Level one aims to provide opportunities for girls to interact meaningfully with their community and reflect on their experience, making links with their leadership within Girls’ Brigade or iconz4girlz and their faith.
The core skills covered in Level One are:
Communicate the mission, vision and values of Girls’ Brigade New Zealand.
Gather information about the Girls’ Brigade and iconz4girlz structure and Leadership Pathway.
Identify key safety considerations and precautions.
Participate in Safe Here (or similar) training.
Practice using leadership skills while leading a group to complete a task.
Investigate the dynamics of different groups.
Collaborate with others to coordinate a short event.
Identify the skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate servant leadership.
Identify personal gifting’s and skills and reflect on how these can be used in the service of others.
Encourage empathy and understanding of the needs of others.
Reflect on personal responsibility within the community.
Blue Chevron presented on completion of the course.
Post-Course Activities:
Participating in 3 mentoring sessions with a mentor.
Lead/ complete 3 administrative activities & 7 games. Click here for mentoring guidelines & post-course activity record sheet.
Level Two
Entry Requirement: Completion of level one post-course activities. Complete a devotional reading.
Level Two Aim:
Level two aims to develop girls’ awareness of their own strengths and abilities, in both a personal and leadership context. Level two aims to explore what it means to work as part of a team, while also considering how to lead and contribute meaningfully to both informal and formal team meetings.
The core skills covered in Level Two are:
Identify the skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate servant leadership.
Identify personal gifting’s and skills and reflect on how these can be used in the service of others.
Participate in a discipleship programme using an established or church community resource.
Reflect on own faith journey.
Reflect on personal responsibility within the community.
Identify the skills and attitudes needed to demonstrate servant leadership.
Communicate the mission, vision and values of Girls’ Brigade New Zealand.
Practice using leadership skills while leading a group to complete a task.
Investigate the dynamics of different groups.
Green Chevron presented on completion of the course.
Post-Course Activities:
Participating in 3 mentoring sessions with a mentor.
Take on a role at an Area, Company, or Unit meeting.
Organise & facilitate a one night programme within their company/ unit. Click here for mentoring guidelines & post-course activity record sheet.
Level Three
Entry Requirement: Completion of level two post-course activities. Discuss with company/unit team leader an event/ badge subject to organise. Take note of technology usage in a period of one day.
Level Three Aim:
Level three aims to develop girls’ ability to organise and collaborate with others as they plan and coordinate either a short or overnight event (badge subject). Level three aims to introduce girls to different ways to worship and provide space for deeper exploration of their own worship and faith.
The core skills covered in Level Three are:
Collaborate with others to coordinate a short event/ badge subject.
Collaborate with others to coordinate an overnight event.
Practice using leadership skills while leading a group to complete a task.
Identify personal giftings and skills and reflect on how these can be used in the service of others.
Participate in a discipleship program.
Reflect on your own faith journey.
Investigate different ways that people express their faith.
Red Chevron presented on completion of course.
Post-Course Activities:
Participating in 3 mentoring sessions with a mentor.
Organise & facilitate 2x three-week or 1x six-week programme within their company/ unit. Click here for mentoring guidelines & post-course activity record sheet.
Gold Chevron presented on completion of Level Three post-course activities.