Girls' Brigade New Zealand
National Personel
Girls' Brigade New Zealand is led by our National Board
Charlotte Saunders
National Commissioner (Elected 2017)T
National Chaplain (elected 2020)
Having been in Girls’ Brigade since the age of 6 I have learnt so much and been greatly enriched by leaders – old and new – and girls.
I have held all company positions and many of the Area positions and am currently Area Chaplain.
Although my paid employment is with Westpac NZ Limited, I hold voluntary positions in the Methodist Church of NZ – on the National Strategy committee, as Co-Synod Superintendent for Otago Southland, and as an accredited Lay Preacher.
I am also a Guide with Achilles NZ International – an organization that enables athletes with disabilities to participate in able-bodied events. While I was really proud of running my first marathon in 2016, I was just as proud when I guided Michael – an athlete who is blind – in his first 10km walking event in 2019.
I am a licensed Marriage Celebrant and a trained Funeral Celebrant.
I have a passion for helping others. I love ministering to people, getting alongside them, listening and praying with them.
1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Board member (elected 2021)
Girls’ Brigade is such a main major part of my life! I have had the privilege of being part of a number of Companies (5 officially) and Areas (3) in a variety of roles and positions. I have also held positions on a National Sub Committee. Currently, I am Captain of Chartwell Girls’ Brigade (7th Hamilton) and Area Training Coordinator for Waikato Area.
I am excited to be a member of the GBNZ Board and continue my service to GB in this role.
Outside of GB I homeschool our 2 children, try to keep up with housework, am a member of the Toy Library committee and local Hall committee, as well as my involvement in local theatre and loving my extended family.
I love Chirstmas - so much so that we celebrate it twice a year! There is nothing better than a good book, a good jigsaw, good food and winning a card game. I also love getting creative and doing crafts and sewing - but the time for that is very limited at the moment.
I am eager to be part of the Board and help develop it for the benefit of future generations of girls so as to continue in the aim of Girls’ Brigade in seeking, serving and following Christ.
Board Member (elected 2022)
Hi, I’m new to the GBNZ Board, but I’ve been in Girls’ Brigade since I was 5 years old!
Here’s a little bit of info about me.
I live in Auckland and have done so all my life – always in Birkenhead on the North Shore. I’ve been married to Owen for 40+ years and we have 5 adult children and 3 grandchildren. I’m a keen crafter and needleworker – skills I’ve picked up mainly through GB!
I followed my mother into leadership of 1st North Shore and have also seen 2 of my daughters carry on and become leaders too. Over my years in GB, I’ve been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to attend a number of events, both National and International, so Brigade has been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember.
The admin & management skills I bring to the Board have been acquired over the years while working for different companies & organisations.
I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to help shape GBNZ into an organisation that may continue to become something that is as relevant and rewarding to leaders and girls alike as it has been to me over the last 50+ years.
National Youth Rep (Elected 2022)
I have been in Girls' Brigade since I was 5 (just hit 17 years!) and it has shaped me into the woman that I am today. I became a National Youth Representative so that I could pass onto the younger generation the inspiration and encouragement that I got from the Leaders and other Youth Representatives before me.
I have a huge passion for motivating young girls to become the best version of themselves in God's image. I strive to be someone that any younger girl at Girls' Brigade can look up to and not be afraid to ask or share anything with. For me, connection with others is so important and while I am National Youth Rep my goal is to connect with as many girls as I can.
When not in Girls' Brigade I work full time as a Software Engineer at Rocket Lab. As a result of that I also try to encourage young girls around me to work towards what they are passionate about, even when it's hard, as being a woman in STEM has often challenged me and I want to inspire others that they can do the same.
I am super looking forward to the year ahead and working alongside Emily and the youth board to be a voice for the youth and help them feel more connected at a national level.
National Youth Rep (Elected 2022)
My first memory of Girls' Brigade was when I was 6, starting at 7th Hamilton for the first time. It felt like I had to wait forever after my sister started to be able to join her in the fun! I have been part of 7th Hamilton Girls' Brigade ever since, and have learnt so much about myself and my faith. I love the community of Girls' and Leaders and having the opportunity to build friendships, learn new crafts and skills, as well as sharing God's word.
Girls' Brigade has had such an influence on my life, and my career path too. Studying to become a Primary School Teacher was influenced through my experiences and spending time leading the younger girls. It is awesome to see how the skills I have learnt at Girls' Brigade are supporting my studies.
Girls' Brigade has been an amazing support system, and I love learning about all the different Areas and Companies both Nationally and Internationally. I love having the opportunity to have a positive impact and empower young women just as those who have done for me.
I am very excited to get to know more youth and leaders through this role as National Youth Rep alongside Libby. I hope that the events and actions that we take inspire young women to be involved within Girls' Brigade in one way or another.