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Message from The GBI International President

The International President’s Committee, made up of representatives from the Five GBI Fellowships across the world, are delighted to launch the new 2021 publication ‘FRUITFUL & OVERFLOWING…BE FAITHFUL’. As with past resources on the ‘Fruitful and overflowing’ theme, these are designed to equip you and your groups wherever you are.

Looking back over the last few years, in 2018 Girls’ Brigade Worldwide celebrated its 125th Anniversary and many years of Mission & Ministry, seeking to transform the lives of girls and young women across the globe. You may recall, in the same year, we launched the theme ‘FRUITFUL & OVERFLOWING’ – based on John 15:1- 7. In 2019 we looked at the theme ‘BEING FRUITFUL AND OVERFLOWING’ – based on Galatians 5:22. Our aim was to prayerfully seek to be overflowing with the fruits of the Spirit, starting with Being Joyful.

In 2020 we ran with the theme, ‘FRUITFUL AND OVERFLOWING…SHOW KINDNESS’ and explored how we could show kindness and carry out acts of kindness throughout the year. (You will have read great stories about what the girls and groups have done, through our social media and website stories during the year.) In a year when the world was hit by the Covid19 pandemic, it proved to be very appropriate theme for the year 2020. #ShowKindness… We were called upon to do just that and show acts of kindness as we faced lockdowns and saw the virus cause havoc across the world and in our own communities.

Our theme for this year, 2021, is ‘FRUITFUL AND OVERFLOWING… BE FAITHFUL.’ As you will remember one of the fruits of the Spirit is FAITHFULNESS. As we look back into 2020, as GB we were challenged wherever we are, we were even then seeking to remain relevant and effective to our girls and groups. Who would have thought this time last year, we would not have been able to meet and play games with our girls! The whole world went into lockdown and we all had to deal with some kind of loss due to COVID 19, throughout the year 2020. Sadly, some lost their loved ones, some lost their jobs, their homes, support systems through the negative effect of being isolated. But in this I am sure we all agree that GB rose to the challenge, especially with online resources and ways to connect.

We thank God for being able to speak to & connect with so many of our GB leaders and volunteers around the world, as we stepped up in God’s strength and ‘kept the fire burning for GB’. So as we enter 2021, with that backdrop of all the challenges of 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic, we look ahead knowing this still impacts our lives but ALWAYS knowing GOD IS IN CONTROL.

So how do we remain Faithful to God when the light at the end of the tunnel seems a little way off as we await vaccinations? Even with the injections, and vaccinations programmes now being launched, it is going to be a long time before we feel the relief and life ‘gets back to normal’.

So, The Presidents Committee is delighted to launch this publication & programme ‘FRUITFUL & OVERFLOWING…BE FAITHFUL RESOURCE’ and new material for 2021. The resource can be adapted and used for older or younger girls. It is full of games, discussion starters, A Devotional Booklet and Bible Reflections, that can be shared online with the girls. We hope that in using this your girls will enjoy and engage with the resources in 2021.

Together across the GB family in our Fellowships, we are going to reflect on:

  • How we can remain faithful in the middle of a crisis

  • How to Build and maintain our Relationships

  • How to Manage our Emotions

  • How to Deal with Loss

  • How to Serve others

  • How to take care of our Physical Health

May God bless you and protect you as you seek to serve and follow Him faithfully,


GB International President

P.S. Please feel free to use the Resource any way relevant to you! BE FAITHFUL!

These resources are designed to help Girls’ Brigade members worldwide, make a positive impact as they work with girls and young women all around the world as together we explore our theme and see our amazing vision unfold.

This year our programme resource has been divided into 4 sub-themes.

2021 Theme: Fruitful and Overflowing: Be Faithful


  • Serving others

  • Managing your emotions

  • Physical health

  • Building relationships

Our Prayer Resource is based on GB International’s 2021 theme: ‘Fruitful and Overflowing… Be Faithful’.

This resource is designed to be used over a one month period but can be adapted to suit your circumstances.

‘God is Faithful’ has been designed and written by GB Asia, this prayer resource is based on the story of Noah. There are so many similarities between our current pandemic and the time of Noah staying inside the Ark.

Below you can download the full prayer resource, five weeks of short devotions, accompanying PowerPoint and a workbook which can be given to your young people.

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