We’ve recently celebrated Pentecost Sunday in our Churches. Pentecost is always the 7th Sunday after Easter, and it marks the beginning of the Christian churches mission into the world.
At our church we had a birthday cake and candles. We had three people testify about why they do the work they do for the church. Three very different testimonies but all ending with the same message – they love to share the grace of God with others.
Our mission into the world isn’t’ just about being in the world (after all we didn’t get good marks at school just for turning up to eat our lunch), it’s about doing God’s work in our communities. And, of course, Girls’ Brigade and IFG are excellent ways to do this.
What message are we giving the girls each week? What message are we sharing with the parents/guardians/families? Are we being intentional about it, or just hoping that our default actions are good enough.
Are we intentional about our devotions each week, or do we grab a book as we rush out of the house and thumb through for a story we haven’t done for a while.
If you were asked to talk for 3 minutes on why you do what you do in GB/IFG what would you say? I’d love to know. Feel free to email me and we could share in the next newsletter (names removed if you preferred).
Let’s make this church birthday count. A new day/week/year to make a difference in the name of Christ.
Let us pray:
Sisters in Christ, I pray that you will go into the world.
Realize your visions, fulfil your dreams, see new visions and dream new dreams.
And as you do, know that the Holy Spirit is guiding you and encouraging you every step of the way.
In Jesus’ name we pray,